Bandas de Cataluña: Abduction Plan, All shades of wrong,
Aloha Bennets, Autos Detroit, Barbantes, Casa das Feras, Cheri, Círculo Rojo, Crápula Yeyé, CROSS, Crousteau, dCoded, Destemps, Deudoras, Dwayna, Espectres, FAR, Fulcanelli, Galope, Gigante,
Ginsonic Beat, HARRYBOT, Hotfeel, Ice Crime, Ivan Rosquellas & Malas Lenguas, Jhon Cor, Korneiev, Land of coconuts, L’idiota, Los magnetos, Los otros, März, MATíS, MEL, Mery Lemon, Nice
Place, Old Tucson, Panda, Red Bonfire, Serch., Shanendogs, Snooze, Tales of Nova, The Garnet, The Grassland Sinners, Uve y Los Fabricantes de Humo, Valence, Vastard’s?, Vidus, Volans, Weinf,
White Hounds, Zapruder y Zero Mile.
Bandas de otras comunidades autónomas de España: Airon Solo
y la Little Band, Apartamento Acapulco, April Five, Bad Monkey, Being Berber, Blue Ashby, Break the Senses, Cassandra, Celia es Celíaca, Con X The Banjo, Cosmo Cat, Da’ Groove Machine, Dani Red,
Eguala, El zurdo, Fánaticos, Fuera de Tiempo, Gaudea, Geografies, Ginah Brand, Gran Tráiler, Harakiri Beach, Heaven Or Hell, Hellorice, Hoax Attack, Ingrávidos, Inigo Lowe, Inyectiva,
Jack’n’Lies, La Jaula, La Ley Mantua, Labs Trapp, Las gafas de Mike, Last Drop, Lava Fizz, Lingae, LittleBoca, Lõbison, Mabuse, Margot, Medea, Mendel, Modesty Blaise, Nadia Álvarez , No fucks,
Noiah, Orlando Dees, Pelusa, Penny Necklace, Polos Opuestos, PonteForte, Rueda, Screams On Sunday, Sef, SEKBA, Sharon Bates, Siete C, Síllin, SIMONE, Somedays Out, SOUND MACHINA, Speed Limit
Cruiser, Supercroma, Superfortress, Testarosa, The last Summer Story, The Nawers, The Owl Project, The Provisional Reference, The Royal Flash, The Strangers, The Vartools, Tongo, Twelve,
Veintiuno y Wiol.
*Foto final Porompopero Impulsa 2015